404 Zero


The 404.zero duo is known worldwide for their audiovisual productions, light installations and projections. Their generative art is based on a high level of mathematical, programming and sound engineering skills.
By creating mesmerizing digital matter of frighteningly porous frontiers exclusively through coding and modular gear, they push back the limits of footage and sample-free language that is opulent and breathtakingly singular. Taking as starting points their most irrepressible fascinations with death, the unknown and the cosmos, they craft thrilling, precise, painterly code-art that broaches big philosophical questions and provides mesmerizing though highly speculative answers.

Together, Kristina and Aleksandr create modern generative art and innovative tools that raise the bar on the synergistic possibilities of visuals and sound. Since establishing of 404.zero in 2016, they’ve collaborated on a slew of immersive affairs, always up for the challenge of conjuring new things—modular music, generative visuals, and media production tools.

They participated in many international festivals all around the world. Including Dark Mofo, MUTEK, GAMMA, Electric Castle Festival, LACMA, DIAGE, Circle of Light, e.t.c. 404’s works were selected by Japan Media Arts Festival and awarded by Genius Loci Weimar Festival, IMAP festival. Their debut music album 404.0 was released on Icelandic music label Bedroom Community in 2020.
