Atos Bencsik


The RGB traffic signal, with its dynamic and undulating play of lights, stands in stark contrast to the ordinary red, yellow, and green directives that govern the flow of our daily lives, or the cautionary blink of a yellow light that enforces secondary regulations. In this altered state, the signal transcends its functional origins, symbolizing a new realm of freedom and creative energy at the INOTA Festival. It beckons visitors into a space where, for a brief moment, they are liberated from the constraints of societal norms, free to express their true selves within this extraordinary environment.

This installation brings into sharp focus the themes of individualism and equality, deliberately juxtaposed against the regimented, monotonous existence of the communist working class that once defined life within the power plant’s walls. Here, the signal, typically a tool of control and order, is transformed into a beacon of possibility, challenging the visitor to reflect on the dichotomy between oppression and freedom. The INOTA Festival, thus, becomes more than a mere event; it is a profound commentary on the power of art to reframe our perception of reality, inviting us to consider a world where creativity and autonomy triumph over the uniformity of the past.
