Varga - Pfitzner - Besnyő - Kálmán: Backlight


BACKLIGHT: the Rebirth of the Heating Room

This installation presents the defunct Heating Room from a new artistic perspective. This abandoned industrial giant, which provided energy for nearly 50 years, is now being revived for a few nights, but this time it will fill the space with light, not steam.

The installation aims to bring the monumental presence and elegance of the Heating Room to life through the play of light. The lights are not directly visible; instead, they focus on the structure of the Heating Room, which also becomes a source of light.

The view thus highlights the former industrial power and the dimensions and forms of the structure.

The installation evokes the former function of the Heating Room, which supplied high purity, high pressure steam to the turbines. The complex structure of the building - the safety valves, flow control equipment and industrial elements - takes on a new symbolic meaning, going beyond mere mechanical functionality. BACKLIGHT is a ritual that evokes the past of the Heating Room area and the spirit of its industrial past, while reinterpreting it visually and emotionally.
